
Unix System Services (USS) no z/OS

O z/OS, sistema operacional da IBM para mainframes, inclui o Unix System Services (USS). Isso permite que o z/OS execute aplicações baseadas em Unix, oferecendo o melhor dos dois mundos: a robustez e escalabilidade dos mainframes com a flexibilidade e as ferramentas do Unix.

# Portabilidade de Aplicações: Aplicações desenvolvidas para Unix podem ser portadas para rodar em mainframes com relativamente pouca modificação.
# Ferramentas e Scripts Unix: Administradores podem usar scripts e ferramentas Unix no ambiente z/OS, facilitando a automação e gerenciamento de sistemas.
# Desenvolvimento Moderno: Desenvolvedores podem usar ferramentas de desenvolvimento modernas, como Git e linguagens de script, em um ambiente de mainframe.

Exemplo de Uso

Um banco pode usar um mainframe para processar transações financeiras em massa com alta segurança e confiabilidade, enquanto usa o ambiente Unix para desenvolvimento de novas aplicações, scripts de automação e análise de dados.


Embora Unix e mainframes possam parecer mundos separados, sua integração mostra como tecnologias tradicionais e modernas podem coexistir e se complementar. A flexibilidade e ferramentas poderosas do Unix combinadas com a robustez e capacidade de processamento dos mainframes oferecem uma solução poderosa para as necessidades computacionais contemporâneas.

Acessando o USS
Opção M

   Menu  Utilities  Compilers  Options  Status  Help                            
                            ISPF Primary Option Menu                           
 Option ===> m                                                                 
 0  Settings      Terminal and user parameters            User ID . : IBMUSER   
 1  View          Display source data or listings         Time. . . : 05:30     
 2  Edit          Create or change source data            Terminal. : 3278      
 3  Utilities     Perform utility functions               Screen. . : 1         
 4  Foreground    Interactive language processing         Language. : ENGLISH   
 5  Batch         Submit job for language processing      Appl ID . : ISR       
 6  Command       Enter TSO or Workstation commands       TSO logon : ISPFPROC  
 7  Dialog Test   Perform dialog testing                  TSO prefix:           
 9  IBM Products  IBM program development products        System ID : ADCD      
 10 SCLM          SW Configuration Library Manager        MVS acct. : ACCT#     
 11 Workplace     ISPF Object/Action Workplace            Release . : ISPF 6.0  
 M  More          Additional IBM Products                                       
      Enter X to Terminate using log/list defaults   

Opção 10

   Menu  Help                                                                   
                            IBM Products Panel                                 
 Option ===> 10                                                                
 1  SMP/E       System Modification Program/Extended                           
 2  ISMF        Integrated Storage Management Facility                         
 3  RACF        Resource Access Control Facility                               
 4  HCD         Hardware Configuration Dialogs                                 
 5  SDSF        Spool Search and Display Facility                              
 6  IPCS        Interactive Problem Control System                             
 7  DITTO       DITTO/ESA for MVS Version 1                                    
 8  RMF         Resource Measurement Facility                                  
 10 OMVS        MVS OpenEdition                                                
 11 RRS         Resource Recovery Services                                     
 12 MQ          WMQ Series Operations and Control                              
 13 FMN         File Manager 3.1.0perations and Control                        
 14 WLM         Workload Manager   

Acessamos - vamos dar um comando DATE para ver a data

Licensed Material - Property of IBM                                             
5694-A01 Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2008                                         
(C) Copyright Mortice Kern Systems, Inc., 1985, 1996.                           
(C) Copyright Software Development Group, University of Waterloo, 1989.         
All Rights Reserved.                                                            
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -                                       
Use,duplication or disclosure restricted by                                     
GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.                                        
IBM is a registered trademark of the IBM Corp.                                  
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >                                                           
 ===> date
ESC=¢   1=Help      2=SubCmd    3=HlpRetrn  4=Top       5=Bottom    6=TSO       
        7=BackScr   8=Scroll    9=NextSess 10=Refresh  11=FwdRetr  12=Retrieve

Resultado - hoje é 30/05/2024

Licensed Material - Property of IBM
5694-A01 Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2008
(C) Copyright Mortice Kern Systems, Inc., 1985, 1996.
(C) Copyright Software Development Group, University of Waterloo, 1989.

All Rights Reserved.

U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -
Use,duplication or disclosure restricted by
GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

IBM is a registered trademark of the IBM Corp.

IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >date
Thu May 30 22:26:38 CDT 2024
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >

ESC=¢   1=Help      2=SubCmd    3=HlpRetrn  4=Top       5=Bottom    6=TSO
        7=BackScr   8=Scroll    9=NextSess 10=Refresh  11=FwdRetr  12=Retrieve

Vamos gravar essa data em um arquivo chamado P1

Licensed Material - Property of IBM                                             
5694-A01 Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2008                                         
(C) Copyright Mortice Kern Systems, Inc., 1985, 1996.                           
(C) Copyright Software Development Group, University of Waterloo, 1989.         
All Rights Reserved.                                                            
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -                                       
Use,duplication or disclosure restricted by                                     
GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.                                        
IBM is a registered trademark of the IBM Corp.                                  
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >date                                                       
Thu May 30 22:26:38 CDT 2024                                                    
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >                                                           
 ===> date > p1
ESC=¢   1=Help      2=SubCmd    3=HlpRetrn  4=Top       5=Bottom    6=TSO       
        7=BackScr   8=Scroll    9=NextSess 10=Refresh  11=FwdRetr  12=Retrieve

Gravado - vamos listar o que esta gravado nesse arquivo - cat p1

Licensed Material - Property of IBM
5694-A01 Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2008
(C) Copyright Mortice Kern Systems, Inc., 1985, 1996.
(C) Copyright Software Development Group, University of Waterloo, 1989.

All Rights Reserved.

U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -
Use,duplication or disclosure restricted by
GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

IBM is a registered trademark of the IBM Corp.

IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >date
Thu May 30 22:26:38 CDT 2024
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >date > p1
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >

 ===> cat p1
ESC=¢   1=Help      2=SubCmd    3=HlpRetrn  4=Top       5=Bottom    6=TSO
        7=BackScr   8=Scroll    9=NextSess 10=Refresh  11=FwdRetr  12=Retrieve

Listado o que tem nesse arquivo

Licensed Material - Property of IBM                                             
5694-A01 Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2008                                         
(C) Copyright Mortice Kern Systems, Inc., 1985, 1996.                           
(C) Copyright Software Development Group, University of Waterloo, 1989.         
All Rights Reserved.                                                            
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -                                       
Use,duplication or disclosure restricted by                                     
GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.                                        
IBM is a registered trademark of the IBM Corp.                                  
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >date                                                       
Thu May 30 22:26:38 CDT 2024                                                    
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >date > p1                                                  
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >cat p1                                                     
Thu May 30 22:28:22 CDT 2024                                                    
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >                                                           
ESC=¢   1=Help      2=SubCmd    3=HlpRetrn  4=Top       5=Bottom    6=TSO       
        7=BackScr   8=Scroll    9=NextSess 10=Refresh  11=FwdRetr  12=Retrieve

para sair EXIT

Licensed Material - Property of IBM                                             
5694-A01 Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2008                                         
(C) Copyright Mortice Kern Systems, Inc., 1985, 1996.                           
(C) Copyright Software Development Group, University of Waterloo, 1989.         
All Rights Reserved.                                                            
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -                                       
Use,duplication or disclosure restricted by                                     
GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.                                        
IBM is a registered trademark of the IBM Corp.                                  
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >date                                                       
Thu May 30 22:26:38 CDT 2024                                                    
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >date > p1                                                  
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >cat p1                                                     
Thu May 30 22:28:22 CDT 2024                                                    
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >                                                           
 ===> exit
ESC=¢   1=Help      2=SubCmd    3=HlpRetrn  4=Top       5=Bottom    6=TSO       
        7=BackScr   8=Scroll    9=NextSess 10=Refresh  11=FwdRetr  12=Retrieve


Licensed Material - Property of IBM                                             
5694-A01 Copyright IBM Corp. 1993, 2008                                         
(C) Copyright Mortice Kern Systems, Inc., 1985, 1996.                           
(C) Copyright Software Development Group, University of Waterloo, 1989.         
All Rights Reserved.                                                            
U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights -                                       
Use,duplication or disclosure restricted by                                     
GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.                                        
IBM is a registered trademark of the IBM Corp.                                  
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >date                                                       
Thu May 30 22:26:38 CDT 2024                                                    
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >date > p1                                                  
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >cat p1                                                     
Thu May 30 22:28:22 CDT 2024                                                    
IBMUSER:/u/ibmuser: >exit                                                       
 >>>> FSUM2331 The session has ended.  Press  to end OMVS.               
ESC=    1=Help      2=SubCmd    3=HlpRetrn  4=Top       5=Bottom    6=TSO       
        7=BackScr   8=Scroll    9=NextSess 10=Refresh  11=         12=  


   Menu  Help                                                                   
                            IBM Products Panel                                 
 Option ===>                                                                   
 1  SMP/E       System Modification Program/Extended                           
 2  ISMF        Integrated Storage Management Facility                         
 3  RACF        Resource Access Control Facility                               
 4  HCD         Hardware Configuration Dialogs                                 
 5  SDSF        Spool Search and Display Facility                              
 6  IPCS        Interactive Problem Control System                             
 7  DITTO       DITTO/ESA for MVS Version 1                                    
 8  RMF         Resource Measurement Facility                                  
 10 OMVS        MVS OpenEdition                                                
 11 RRS         Resource Recovery Services                                     
 12 MQ          WMQ Series Operations and Control                              
 13 FMN         File Manager 3.1.0perations and Control                        
 14 WLM         Workload Manager     

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